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} } /* */ (function ($) { var namespace = 'googlePlaces'; var googlePlaceId = ''; $.googlePlaces = function (element, options) { var defaults = { placeId: googlePlaceId // placeId provided by google api documentation , render: ['reviews'] , min_rating: 0 , max_rows: 0 , map_plug_id: 'map-plug' , rotateTime: false , shorten_names: true , schema: { displayElement: '#schema' , type: 'Store' , beforeText: 'Google Users Have Rated' , middleText: 'based on' , afterText: 'ratings and reviews' , image: null , priceRange: null } , address: { displayElement: "#google-address" } , phone: { displayElement: "#google-phone" } , staticMap: { displayElement: "#google-static-map" , width: 512 , height: 512 , zoom: 17 , type: "roadmap" } , hours: { displayElement: "#google-hours" } }; var plugin = this; plugin.settings = {} var $element = $(element), element = element; plugin.init = function () { plugin.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); plugin.settings.schema = $.extend({}, defaults.schema, options.schema); $element.html("
"); // create a plug for google to load data into initialize_place(function (place) { plugin.place_data = place; // Trigger event before render $element.trigger('beforeRender.' + namespace); if (plugin.settings.render.indexOf('rating') > -1) { renderRating(plugin.place_data.rating); } // render specified sections if (plugin.settings.render.indexOf('reviews') > -1) { renderReviews(; if (!!plugin.settings.rotateTime) { initRotation(); } } if (plugin.settings.render.indexOf('address') > -1) { renderAddress( capture_element(plugin.settings.address.displayElement) , plugin.place_data.adr_address ); } if (plugin.settings.render.indexOf('phone') > -1) { renderPhone( capture_element( , plugin.place_data.formatted_phone_number ); } if (plugin.settings.render.indexOf('staticMap') > -1) { renderStaticMap( capture_element(plugin.settings.staticMap.displayElement) , plugin.place_data.formatted_address ); } if (plugin.settings.render.indexOf('hours') > -1) { renderHours( capture_element(plugin.settings.hours.displayElement) , plugin.place_data.opening_hours ); } // render schema markup addSchemaMarkup( capture_element(plugin.settings.schema.displayElement) , plugin.place_data ); // Trigger event after render $element.trigger('afterRender.' + namespace); }); } var capture_element = function (element) { if (element instanceof jQuery) { return element; } else if (typeof element == 'string') { try { var ele = $(element); if (ele.length) { return ele; } else { throw 'Element [' + element + '] couldnt be found in the DOM. Skipping ' + element + ' markup generation.'; } } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } } } var initialize_place = function (c) { var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(plugin.settings.map_plug_id)); var request = { placeId: plugin.settings.placeId }; var service = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(map); service.getDetails(request, function (place, status) { if (status == google.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) { c(place); } }); } var sort_by_date = function (ray) { ray.sort(function (a, b) { var keyA = new Date(a.time), keyB = new Date(b.time); // Compare the 2 dates if (keyA < keyB) return -1; if (keyA > keyB) return 1; return 0; }); return ray; } var filter_minimum_rating = function (reviews) { for (var i = reviews.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (reviews[i].rating < plugin.settings.min_rating) { reviews.splice(i, 1); } } return reviews; } var renderRating = function (rating) { var html = ""; var star = renderAverageStars(rating); html = "

" + star + "

"; $element.append(html); } var shorten_name = function (name) { if (name.split(" ").length > 1) { var xname = ""; xname = name.split(" "); return xname[0] + " " + xname[1][0] + "."; } } var renderReviews = function (reviews) { reviews = sort_by_date(reviews); reviews = filter_minimum_rating(reviews); var html = ""; var row_count = (plugin.settings.max_rows > 0) ? plugin.settings.max_rows - 1 : reviews.length - 1; // make sure the row_count is not greater than available records row_count = (row_count > reviews.length - 1) ? reviews.length - 1 : row_count; for (var i = row_count; i >= 0; i--) { var stars = renderStars(reviews[i].rating); var date = convertTime(reviews[i].time); if (plugin.settings.shorten_names == true) { var name = shorten_name(reviews[i].author_name); } else { var name = reviews[i].author_name + ", "; }; html = html + "
" + name + "" + date + "
" + stars + "

" + reviews[i].text + "

" }; $element.append('
' + html + '
'); } var renderHours = function (element, data) { if (element instanceof jQuery) { var html = "
    "; data.weekday_text.forEach(function (day) { html += "
  • " + day + "
  • "; }); html += "
"; element.append(html); } } var renderStaticMap = function (element, data) { if (element instanceof jQuery) { var map = plugin.settings.staticMap; element.append( "" + ""); } } var renderAddress = function (element, data) { if (element instanceof jQuery) { element.append(data); } } var renderPhone = function (element, data) { if (element instanceof jQuery) { element.append(data); } } var initRotation = function () { var $reviewEls = $element.children('.review-item'); var currentIdx = $reviewEls.length > 0 ? 0 : false; $reviewEls.hide(); if (currentIdx !== false) { $($reviewEls[currentIdx]).show(); setInterval(function () { if (++currentIdx >= $reviewEls.length) { currentIdx = 0; } $reviewEls.hide(); $($reviewEls[currentIdx]).fadeIn('slow'); }, plugin.settings.rotateTime); } } var renderStars = function (rating) { var stars = "
    "; // fill in gold stars for (var i = 0; i < rating; i++) { stars = stars + "
  • "; }; // fill in empty stars if (rating < 5) { for (var i = 0; i < (5 - rating); i++) { stars = stars + "
  • "; }; } stars = stars + "
"; return stars; } var renderAverageStars = function (rating) { var stars = "
  • " + rating + " 
  • "; var activeStars = parseInt(rating); var inactiveStars = 5 - activeStars; var width = (rating - activeStars) * 100 + '%'; // fill in gold stars for (var i = 0; i < activeStars; i++) { stars += "
  • "; }; // fill in empty stars if (inactiveStars > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < inactiveStars; i++) { if (i === 0) { stars += "
  • "; } else { stars += "
  • "; } }; } stars += "
"; return stars; } var convertTime = function (UNIX_timestamp) { var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp * 1000); var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; var time = months[a.getMonth()] + ' ' + a.getDate() + ', ' + a.getFullYear(); return time; } var addSchemaMarkup = function (element, placeData) { if (element instanceof jQuery) { var schema = plugin.settings.schema; var schemaMarkup = ''; if (schema.image !== null) { schemaMarkup += generateSchemaItemMarkup('image', schema.image); } else { console.warn('Image is required for some schema types. Visit to test your schema output.'); } if (schema.priceRange !== null) { schemaMarkup += generateSchemaItemMarkup('priceRange', schema.priceRange); } schemaMarkup += generateSchemaItemMarkup('url', location.origin); schemaMarkup += generateSchemaItemMarkup('telephone', plugin.place_data.formatted_phone_number); schemaMarkup += generateSchemaAddressMarkup(); schemaMarkup += generateSchemaRatingMarkup(placeData, schema); schemaMarkup += ''; element.append(schemaMarkup); } } var generateSchemaAddressMarkup = function () { var $address = $('
', { itemprop: "address" , itemscope: '' , itemtype: "" }).css('display', 'none'); $address.append(plugin.place_data.adr_address); $address.children('.street-address').attr('itemprop', 'streetAddress'); $address.children('.locality').attr('itemprop', 'addressLocality'); $address.children('.region').attr('itemprop', 'addressRegion'); $address.children('.postal-code').attr('itemprop', 'postalCode'); $address.children('.country-name').attr('itemprop', 'addressCountry'); return $address[0].outerHTML; } var generateSchemaRatingMarkup = function (placeData, schema) { var reviews =; var lastIndex = reviews.length - 1; var reviewPointTotal = 0; for (var i = lastIndex; i >= 0; i--) { reviewPointTotal += reviews[i].rating; }; var averageReview = reviewPointTotal / (reviews.length); return schema.beforeText + ' ' + + ' ' + '' + '' + averageReview.toFixed(2) + '/5 ' + schema.middleText + ' ' + reviews.length + ' ' + schema.afterText + '' } var generateSchemaItemMarkup = function (name, value) { return '' } plugin.init(); } $.fn.googlePlaces = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (undefined == $(this).data(namespace)) { var plugin = new $.googlePlaces(this, options); $(this).data(namespace, plugin); } }); } })(jQuery); $(document).ready(function () { if ($('.google-reviews').length) { $(".google-reviews").googlePlaces({ placeId: $('.google-reviews').attr("data-id"), render: ['reviews'], min_rating: 5, max_rows: 0 }); setTimeout(function () { $('.google-reviews').attr('data-index', 0); $('.google-reviews .left').click(function () { var index = parseInt($('.google-reviews').attr('data-index')); if (index > 0) { var newIndex = index - 1; $('.google-reviews').attr('data-index', newIndex); var width = $('.google-reviews .review-item').width() + 42; var posLeft = $('.google-reviews .pane').position().left + width; $('.google-reviews .pane').animate({ left: posLeft }); } }); $('.google-reviews .right').click(function () { var index = parseInt($('.google-reviews').attr('data-index')); if (index < 2) { var newIndex = index + 1; $('.google-reviews').attr('data-index', newIndex); var width = $('.google-reviews .review-item').width() + 42; var posLeft = $('.google-reviews .pane').position().left - width; $('.google-reviews .pane').animate({ left: posLeft }); } }); resizeGoogleReviews(); }, 2500); } $(window).on('resize', function () { resizeGoogleReviews(); }); function resizeGoogleReviews() { if ($('.google-reviews').length) { if ($(window).width() > 990) { var googleItemWidth = $('.google-reviews').width() / 3; $('.google-reviews .review-item').width(googleItemWidth - 40 + 'px'); $('.google-reviews .pane').width((googleItemWidth * 5) + 50 + 'px'); } else { var googleItemWidth = $('.google-reviews').width(); $('.google-reviews .review-item').width(googleItemWidth - 34 + 'px'); $('.google-reviews .pane').width((googleItemWidth * 5) + 50 + 'px'); } } } });